Prophets and Messengers

November 18, 2023

The Story of Jesus as Told in the Quran (Part 2)

In this part of the Story of Jesus as told in the Quran series, we will find out how the Quran ...
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November 18, 2023

What Is the Truth about Jesus? Watch to Find Out

When was Jesus really born? Was he really born on the 25th of December? Watch this short video ...
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November 18, 2023

God Speaks to Prophet Moses (Part 5)

Why did Moses decide to return to Egypt? How did God revealed Himself to Moses? How did Moses r...
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November 18, 2023

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission (Part 1/7)

The three Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, continue to influence world events...
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November 18, 2023

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission (Part 3/7)

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission: Pharaoh arranged for a magnificent public event...
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November 18, 2023

Your First Steps in Islam: Belief in Allah’s Messengers

What does the belief in Allah's messengers mean? What are the benefits of belief in Allah's me...
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November 18, 2023

The Story of Prophet Noah

Who Is Noah (Nuh)? What Did Noah's People Worship? Why Did God Send Noah? How Did Noah's People...
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November 18, 2023

Dialogue Between God and Jesus

The people at the time of Jesus lied about God and took Jesus as God or son of God. On the Day ...
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November 18, 2023

Who Wrote the Bible? (E-Book)

The book refutes the Church’s claims about the four Gospels and their attribution to the discip...
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November 18, 2023

Who Is Jesus According to Jesus? (E-BooK)

As a matter of fact, numerous beliefs are held about Jesus, the truth about whom is considered ...
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